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Published September 24, 2012

Welcome to my new portfolio site! I’ve decided to create this blog to put updates related to both coding and musical works. In future posts you can expect to find:

  • ActionScript 3.0 Coding Examples
  • Tips & Tricks in Adobe Flash Professional
  • Computer music compositional techniques
  • Updates to music samples and game projects

Be sure to check by often for updates!


  1. Thomas Terminator Thomas Terminator

    Wow, this is looking very nice. Great job!

  2. Soldiershak Soldiershak

    Nice layout and design.The blog dosen’t look bland and boring.Also will you give animation tips or is it just pretty much set in stone already?

    • Greg McLeod Greg McLeod

      Sure, if I think of any nifty animation tips I’ll be sure to post them too!

  3. Roy Roy

    Hey Greg, I am just wondering if you will also give us tips on which music making program we could use, as well as tips / links of effective ways of using them starting from 0? I would prefer a free software first, so I could familiarize myself with making music first. Also are you familiar with adding your own voice/sing in a song? A microphone product suggestion would be great if you could recommend one if you are familiar with making such music.

    • Greg McLeod Greg McLeod

      I don’t have much experience with vocals but I will definitely focus in depth on what software I use in a future post.

  4. The Ys guy The Ys guy

    Wow this will be mighty useful later. I can’t wait for the updates

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